Rose keeps it casual in sweats at the airport

Article: Black Pink Rose 'captivating with training clothes'

Source: 10asia via Nate

1. [+724, -37] Must be so easy for their coordi to do their job... they're stylish no matter what you put them in..

2. [+668, -64] How are all of them so pretty? Who's the center member??

3. [+509, -38] Those sweatpants are what I wear at home but she makes them look like pictorial clothes

4. [+43, -5] Black Pink should've gone to North Korea, they would've been so flashy with their nice outfits and all

5. [+33, -5] Each member has such a distinctive style

6. [+20, -5] I personally find Rose the prettiest!

7. [+17, -4] It's weird how you don't really need to put much on them for them to look so cool! ㅋㅋㅋ Their charm stands out among other girl groups who have nothing but pretty faces!

8. [+17, -4] All of Black Pink seem to pull off clothes really well

9. [+14, -2] I want to feel what it's like to be that thin

10. [+10, -3] They're gorgeous no matter what you throw on them
